Friday, July 10, 2009

If a tree falls in the forest?

I still keep a journal. I don't write in it all that often, but the way I approach it is that I just sit down and begin typing (or, writing in longhand, because I keep a leather-bound volume, and also a Word file in an expression of perpetual analog/digital indecision). I use a free-write / quick-write / "Artist's Way" / stream-of-consciousness technique. That is, I just keep my fingers moving, or the pen, in the analog case, and whatever comes out is what comes out.

What comes out is not great writing, but it is often cathartic, or stress-relieving. It helps me process. It is not intended for an audience; the process is the product.

I approach this blog a little differently. I spend slightly more time composing my thoughts, and I pause occasionally to gather them. I try to write cogently and with some semblance of organization and purpose. It is intended for an audience.

That would be you.

Here's the thing: I don't think anyone is reading my blog. (Of course, if you (audience) ARE reading this, I am wrong about that). (And, if you are my English-teacher wife, I am in trouble for...nesting parentheses (I love you, dear)).

Which brings me to my topic: If a blogger blogs in cyberspace, and there is no one there to perceive it, does it make a sound? That is, is it valid, as a communication? As an expression?

Because, did I mention, I don't think anyone is reading my blog.

I have an answer to that: it's OK with me if you don't read my blog. It is serving a purpose in my life of expressing written thought to an IMAGINED audience, and that is good enough.

Now, if a man speaks in the forest, and his wife is not there to hear him, is he still wrong?

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