Saturday, June 15, 2013

Home Alone

I am an introvert.  That confuses people sometimes, because I am a people person.  I have chosen a helping profession--education--that is all about people, and interacting with people. I enjoy that immensely.  I wouldn't change that.  I like the stage.  I'm a performer, as an instrumentalist, a singer, a speaker...that seems pretty extroverted, doesn't it.  I wouldn't change that either.  But, when I do personality or trait or "type" identifying exercises (such as Meyers-Briggs, "colors," StrengthsQuest, etc.) I invariably show as "introverted."  Often, just barely.  That is, we pretend it is a discrete definition, not a continuum.  But, it is a continuum.  And, invariably (see, if you study the social sciences for too long, you end up doing these things regularly), I end up on the introversion side, even if mildly.  I "recharge" by being quiet, reflecting, reading...alone.  Extroverts "recharge" by being with people, partying, conversing...together.  (My wife is an extrovert, by that definition.)

My family, with the kids done with school for the summer, has boarded a plane to visit extended family, vacation, and play.  I have a couple of weeks of work left to do, so I will follow and catch up with them after that.  For right now, the house is quiet.  It occurs to me that I have not been home alone, for even a minute, in over a year.  I'm conflicted:  on the one hand, I miss my family already (they just left today), but on the other hand, I am beginning a two-week stint (when not at work) of introvert bliss.  I'm going to read, and journal, and reflect, and tidy up the house (that's especially fun when there is no one else to "mess it up,") and play guitar, and...just be, alone.  I'll stay late at work and catch up, and not feel guilty about not being home.  Maybe I'll take a solitary walk, or sit at a coffee shop and watch the people go by.  Maybe I'll aimlessly surf the internet.  Maybe I'll blog a bit.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm already looking forward to hooking back up with my family in a couple of weeks.  But for right now, I'm enjoying being home alone.


The last couple of posts were about roundabouts.  Traffic circles.  Like the one at the intersection of West Hills and 53rd.  The only round...