Monday, September 7, 2015


I'm not even sure I understand what is going on anymore.  I have multiple Google Accounts, multiple identities in Chrome,  email accounts with gmail, yahoo, and at work (which runs through exchange), iPads, an iPhone (it's a 4; it's in mint condition, it has limited functionality in today's online environment, and I'm told it's worth $16 as a trade in).

I've blogged in a separate space, a year ago now, for a technology class, where I indicated we had better "ride the wave," or crash against the rocks, with mobile computing.  I stand by that.  I'm excited to be leading a school that is eager to move ahead, and implementing a 1:1 mobile computing initiative, a new student information system and community communication solution that is cloud-based, and a spirit of "let's move ahead and learn together."

A far cry from the "locked down" environment of my previous position.  A little scary, though, and a little confusing.  Today, I am waxing nostalgic for my paper Day-Timer.  At least I knew which "me" I was.

Nonetheless:  onward.


The last couple of posts were about roundabouts.  Traffic circles.  Like the one at the intersection of West Hills and 53rd.  The only round...