Busy, but good. Challenging, but good. Noisy, but good. Frustrating, sometimes, but good.
The thing is, with scrambling to put our family's life together here in Morocco, navigating a vertical learning curve on both a personal and professional front (not around broad philosophical questions, or around my understanding of "how to be an effective instructional leader," but around things like, "where do I get a three-hole punch--oh, we don't use three holes, we use four with A4 paper...so then, how do I make a photocopy...I can't until the photocopier technician gets back from vacation?"...etc.), and with working hard to get teachers and students off to a good start this school year, I notice I have not posted to my blog in over a month.
I'm sure all my readers are sorely disappointed.
Just as my (analog) real-time, real-stuff, real life is in disarray, so is my digital life. I have a daily electronic newsletter for my teachers (which I am tentatively titling "Patrick's Ponderings" for lack of a better idea), an Ed-line page, a long-neglected personal website, a Facebook page, this blogspot, at least three active e-mail accounts beside the one at school, and still-active accounts associated with my Reedsport principalship.
And probably some other things I can't remember right now.
Please be patient as I unpack my boxes. My real cardboard boxes, of books, clothes, toys, and bizarre things that I have no idea why we packed, and, my virtual boxes of digital life, all over cyberspace.
Please remind ME to be patient as I unpack my boxes.
I'm sure it will all be sorted out soon.
Or, maybe not.