Saturday, February 16, 2013

Success v. happiness

I watched a TED talk last week, in which the presenter, Shawn Achor, posits the commonly held belief that success leads to happiness, when held up to research, is 180 degrees wrong. That is, he says, happiness in fact increases productivity and success, in a measurable way. But, success, by our standard definitions (raises, promotions, climbing the corporate ladder, getting more "stuff," fulfilling expectation scripts--I suppose I may have added a couple of my own in there) does not lead to happiness. We have it wrong.

He offered a simple script--probably an overly simple script--to increase happiness. Exercise. Eat healthy. Reflect intentionally on positives.  That is, keep a log of three positive things you did, or that happened, each day. Keep a positive journal.  Stuff like that.  I'm not representing him well--it was an eloquent, well-received talk with a valid point and an actionable message. I left it remembering my brief infatuation with Norman Vincent Peale, during my adolescence.  And, inspired to be more positive.

In fact, I decided to make my Lent (trying to take that Catholic obligation, tradition, and opportunity to a higher level of meaning than that one year when I gave up coffee and my secretary made me promise to never do that ever again has been an annual ambition of mine) centered on being more positive.

Thing is, as I'm paying attention, I'm realizing what a grumpy, gruff, and frankly, negative guy I have become. At least to my own perception. And, certainly to my family's. I think outsiders may see and experience a more positive side of me, but I'm not sure about that either.  When did that happen?  It's relatively recent I think.  Maybe a response to work and family pressures, maybe a response to the media (don't even get me started on that), maybe for no good reason at all.

Well, when I reflect, there is no doubt that the universe is an unfathomable  miracle and life a precious and amazing gift.  I need to remember that in the moment.

And, I need to lighten up.

Wish me luck, eh?

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