Monday, March 30, 2009


Tomorrow morning at 7:20am I'll be huddled up with my faculty in the staff room at RHS.  We have evolved the tradition of starting each week with what we have decided for lack of a better analogy to call our "Monday Huddle."  While we take care of a lot of business with e-mail, there is something to be said for getting together and touching base once a week, if only to stay connected, person-to-person.

At 7:20 Monday mornings, blank stares are not uncommon.  That is to say, our afternoon faculty meetings are more lively.  Irrespective of that, I am looking forward to seeing my staff.  That means that this has been a perfect break:  I am rested, recharged, and ready to go back to work.

One of the things I have done while resting is explore what the last issue of Educational Leadership termed Web 2.0.  In fact, I have been on about it in this blog.  I have, this week, discovered Facebook in a new way, discovered Google Docs, discovered Blogger, (obviously), re-vamped my personal website, and, in short, have paddled a life raft at least halfway across the "digital divide."

I figure, next thing to do is start a blog for my faculty, for professional development.  We'll see how far I get with such things when I'm not on break.  Watch this space for updates, as they say.

In the meantime, I think we'll keep the huddle.

1 comment:

  1. Is it acceptable etiquette to comment on your own blog? I have a comment on this entry, in retrospect. The Monday after spring break, (after the huddle) I did discover that our filter at school blocks blogspot on the whole. That is probably a Good Thing, overall. I could probably work with my tech guy to selectively unblock my particular blog for faculty, but, really we communicate effectively via e-mail, notes, my weekly faculty newsletter, voice-mail and phone calls, intercom, and the original and still best connectivity tool: the face-to-face conversation.
    We'll be fine.



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