Saturday, May 3, 2014


I want to be cautious about moving from the process, here, of creating content, to that of simply highlighting it (sharing and re-posting seems like more of a Facebook kind of thing, not that I do much of it there, anyway.

If I link, or embed, articles or videos or other content here, I hope to at least synthesize, analyze, or evaluate, adding value to and not just bandwidth, to the virtual world.  Just like I strive to do more than take up space, in the physical world.

I don't have much to add, right now, to this piece, and I am posting it here mostly so I can find it back easily next time I want to show it to students or teachers.  The idea that character is vital, is important, is central, to our meaningful existence as humans, well, that resonates with me.  I like the idea that there is a periodic table of character strengths, and will be digging deeper into that idea--possibly even for some tie-in to my dissertation (the topic of which remains disconcertingly fluid right now).

I will say this by way of analysis:  this piece by Tiffany Schlain and the Moxie Institute is worth the eight minutes it takes to watch.  Mobile devices without Flash, click the link here.

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