Saturday, May 3, 2014

Equal time

Most of my recent ramblings have been over in the Technoleadership blog I created for my latest class.

 I have waxed enthusiastic there, granted with a balancing note of caution, about advances in technology, and especially about the societal revolution emerging from ubiquitous mobile internet access and ability to share information and form groups.  My position is, like it or not, the tidal wave is upon us, so we had better learn to surf it!

Here is a spot of equal time, with a beautifully-done artistic video, apparently viral on Facebook.  Ironic, of course because its message is, "turn this thing (the computer or more likely, the mobile device from which you are watching) off."  It is a good reminder that virtual connectivity, while it can be an amazing thing, is not the same thing as connectivity in "real life."  Certainly worth the time it takes to watch it:  Here is the link, if you are on a mobile device without Flash.

It is interesting to read the commentary, and different points of view, on the YouTube channel/page where this is posted by Gary Turk (disclaimer:  I don't know who that is, or anything about him--not an endorsement of anything but this which I found to be a valid and interesting visually presented poem and comment on our times).

See you online...AND, in real life.

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